Jarrod Donoman

Place of Birth: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Date of Birth: August 4, 1970

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican, African-American

Jarrod Donoman is an American producer.


Curious about ethnicity

1 Response

  1. Anselmo Valle says:

    Someone commented that Evelyn Lozada was not “Jennifer Lopez Puertorican” because she could tell that Evelyn had some african in her. I want to tell that person that Jennifer Lopez is not pure puertorican either. I am puertorican, and I know that every puertorican has some mixture in their family tree. Most of us are mixed with european (Spain). I myself have Spanish, French, Taino, african and even Arab desendents. The native puertoricans were the taino indians and I am 58 years old and still have not met a pure taino puertorican.

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