
Hi all,

Please leave some suggestions below on how this site could be improved. Any ideas/criticisms are welcome.

1,888 Responses

  1. follers says:

    It usually says that he is of Burmese, Dutch, Irish, and English descent.

  2. passingtime85 says:

    Is it just me, or can you no longer see the most recent comments in the side column anymore? Hope it’s not permanent. That’s a pretty useful feature sometimes.

  3. follers says:

    Also, “blockquote” (the quote) looks way too big now. It practically consumes the page.

    The “ethnicity” part after the picture looks too small, and blends in more with the rest of the text with this particular font.

  4. madman says:

    Very nice new layout.

  5. follers says:

    Katy Mixon is the granddaughter of Neil Mixon, Lena Dalton Thornwell, Preston Field, and Elizabeth Magruder.

    As for Cynthia Nixon, she’s on the site. But you didn’t mean her.

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