Cármen Lúcia

Birth Name: Cármen Lúcia Antunes Rocha

Place of Birth: Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Date of Birth: April 19, 1954

Ethnicity: Brazilian (Portuguese, possibly other)

Cármen Lúcia is a Brazilian jurist. She has been President of the Supreme Federal Court/President of the National Justice Council, since 12 September, 2016.

She is the daughter of Anésia (Sepulveda Antunes) and Florival Rocha.

Cármen Lúcia’s maternal grandparents were Lucio Antunes Sobrinho (the son of Felisberto Antunes de Souza and Júlia Alves Tolentim) and Amélia Antunes Sobrinho (the daughter of Antônio Pereira Sepulveda and Amélia da Cruz).

Source: Genealogy of Cármen Lúcia’s mother – https://www.myheritage.com

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